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Coming Soon, our annual online auction.  Target for June 1, 2024 we will have community donated baskets for you to bid on.  Every dollar raised support Helping Hands For Our Children of the Chippewa Valley.  Check back soon for the bidding link.

Current Events


Regular Events

Each year we host several special events.


Easter Bundles

In anticipation of a holiday every child enjoys, we put together Easter Bundles.  They include clothing and toys.


Christmas Sponsorship

We love to help children celebrate the holidays.  We do have a required sign up for Christmas sponshorship.  We coordinate with other agencies so we don't duplicate services.


Back To School Bundles

To make sure children have what they need for school we provide bundles with several outfits, under wear and shoes.


Baby Bundles

We put together bundles that provide basics for new babies.

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